Ree Yun EMS

Reeyun EMS enables remote control, data monitoring, and modular design, featuring an easy-to-use interface and multiple data protection layers. By leveraging big data and AI technology, it optimizes lifecycle revenue. The system offers high compatibility, supporting the integration of various devices (such as energy storage, solar module, etc.), meeting the remote energy management needs of virtual power plants. Gooree provides lightweight customization and development based on customer requirements.

Product Details

Customization We provide comprehensive customized services based on the client's usage scenarios and requirements. Energy Management Collect, store, measure, and analyze energy data with data visualization, enabling timely energy manage- ment and fault early warning. Energy Conservation Optimize energy consumption through energy demand forecasting and tailored solutions. Multi-Scenario Dispatching Utilize the cloud platform's intelligent dispatching technology to optimize energy usage across various scenarios, maximizing energy efficiency.


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